Tuesday, April 12, 2011

work shmirk

well the time has come and i have decided to have a guinea pig for my Marketing i would like to start doing from home!
it will only be a small amount of $ and i will only work how much i want to, well its only 1 client so far LOL so i cant do too much :)
I am hoping that this goes well and i get her a lot of new clients and i make some $$ in the meantime, then i can start setting up space in my new house to open up to new business.. I still have a lot of prep to do beforehand like a new computer printer equipment and general materials etc but I WILL GET THERE!
It  does feel good to be hopefully adding to the income of the household BUT i still class myself as a SAHM which is my full intentions and i am just going to get some work done in my spare time :)
I never intended on returning to work, i want to be the sole carer for my kids and be here for them all the time. But my creative mind and ideas for people and their business gets the better of me!
Hope i do well with this one !! WISH ME LUCK!!

more reasons for daniel to smile to!! he can hopefully work a little less :)

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck Alana, but I think you will do Fabulously :)
